Unpublishing a model

Discussion started by mrittman

It would be great to be able to unpublish a model ourselves without having to contact support. There are times when I need to bring a model offline temporarily without deleting it.


Posted about 2 years ago

I can see your point, and some other websites have done the same. Possibly a good feature.

TazMan2000 wrote
If it isn't abused. Perhaps a model should be up for sale for at least a month before that feature becomes available, so that artists don't use the website for temporary storage.
mrittman wrote
That's a good point as well. Or maybe have higher reputation points before this becomes available. Like you suggested, so that it doesn't become abused.
Posted about 2 years ago

Hi there,

This option can have a bad effect on analytics (marketplace statistics).

In my opinion, CGT Support Team is one of the fastest and most highly qualified, so I don't see any issue in sending them a request if needed.


Posted over 1 year ago

What... you just want to take model offline for what reason.... No it is good that we cant take model offline so if anyone done wrong thing he / she cant delete model. Wrong thing my thinking is stolen or downloaded from other sites.
I don't think we can ever need to take model out of sale...

Posted 5 months ago

Of course can delete model, that no maean was stealed, i deleted few models from mine as no sold 2 years even once, so mean is stealed or copied from another site?, cause i deleted becouse no sold?.

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